
In press:

Oceja, Luis; Stocks, Eric; Ambrona, Tamara; López-Pérez, Belen; Carrera, Pilar (en prensa). Local versus global perceptual scope, empathic concern, and helping preferences in multiple-victim situations. Spanish Journal of Psychology (on line 05 June 2017) DOI: 10.1017/sjp.2017.25 . Ask for the paper

López-Pérez, Belen; Carrera, Pilar; Oceja, Luis; Ambrona, Tamara; Stocks, Eric (en prensa). Simpathy and tenderness as components of dispositional empathic concern: predicting helping and caring behaviors. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-017-9615-7. Ask for the paper


Oceja, L.V. y Stocks, E. (2017). The Path from Helping One to Helping the Group and Beyond. In van Leeuwen, E. y Zagefka, H. (Eds). Intergroup Helping. Ask for the paper

Carrera Levillain, Pilar; Caballero, Amparo; Fernandez, Itziar; Muñoz, Dolores. (2017) Abstractness leads people to base their behavioral intentions on desired attitudes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 70, pp. 27 – 33. DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2016.12.004 . Ask for the paper


Ambrona, Tamara; Oceja Fernandez, Luis Venancio; López-Pérez B; Carrera Levillain, Pilar.(2016) Can empathic concern be generalized from one person to others? Another positive side of the ‘one-among-others’ effect. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 57, pp. 547 – 553. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12316 . Ask for the paper

Oceja, L.; Villegas, M.; Beramendi, M.; y Salgado, S. (2016) “You should (not) do that”: An Evaluative Model of Normative Appeals (EMNA). Journal of Social Psychology, 156, 382-396.  Ask for the paper

Stocks, E.; Mirghassemi, F.; y Oceja, L. (2016). How is your day going? Reciprocity norm in everyday communication. International Journal of Psychology, (on line 26 June 2016) DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12369. Ask for the paper

Stocks, E.; Oceja, L.; y López-Pérez, B. (2016). Can’t get you out of my mind: empathy, distress, and recurring thoughts about a person in need. Motivation and Emotion, 41, 84-95. Ask for the paper

Hurtado de Mendoza, A., Molina, C., Fernández-Dols, J.M. (2016). The archeology of emotion concepts: A lexicographic analysis of the concepts shame and vergüenza. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. DOI:10.1177/0261927X12465610. Ask for the paper

Oceja, Heerdink, Stocks, Ambrona, López-Pérez, & Salgado (2016). Empathy, awareness of others, and action: How feeling empathy for one-among-others motivates to help the others. Basic and Applied Social Psychology . Ask for the paper


CRIVELLI, C.; CARRERA, P.; FERNÁNDEZ-DOLS, J.M.Are smiles a sign of happiness? Spontaneous expressions of judo winners. EVOLUTION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 36, pp. 52 – 58. 01/01/2015. ISSN 10905138.  Ask for the paper

Oceja, L.; Villegas, M.; Beramendi, M.; & Salgado, S. (2015) “You should (not) do that”: An Evaluative Model of Normative Appeals (EMNA). Journal of Social Psicology, Ask for the paper


Caballero, A., Carrera, P., Muñoz, D. y Fernández, I. (2014). Cambios evolutivos (14-21 años) en los patrones de ingesta puntual de alcohol en exceso y en sus factores explicativos. Infancia y Aprendizaje. Ask for the paper.

Carrera, P., Caballero, A., Muñoz, D., González-Iraizoz, M. and Fernández, I. (2014). Construal level as a moderator of the role of affective and cognitive attitudes in the prediction of health-risk behavioural intentions. British Journal of Social Psychology, doi: 10.1111/bjso.120558 Ask for the paper.

Carrera, P., Muñoz, D., Caballero, A., Fernández, I., Aguilar, P. and Albarracín, D. (2014). How verb tense affects the construal of action: The simple past tense leads people into an abstract mindset. Psicológica, 35, 209-223. Ask for the paper.

Fernández, I., Carrera, P., Páez, D., Alonso-Arbiol, I., Campos, M. and Basabe, N. (2014). Prototypical Anger Components: A Multilevel Study. Cross-Cultural Research, 48 (4) Ask for the paper.

Aguilar, P., Brussino, S., & Fernández-Dols, J.M. (2013). Psychological distance increases uncompromising consequentialism. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43,449-452. Ask for the paper.

Fernández-Dols, J.M. (2013). Nonverbal communication: origins, adaptation, and functionality. In: J. A. Hall, & M. L. Knapp (eds.), Nonverbal communication,. (Handbooks of Communication Science, HOCS 2.) pp. 69-92. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Ask for the paper

Fernández-Dols, J.M. (2013). Advances in the study of facial expression: An introduction to the special section. Emotion Review, 5, 3-7. Ask for the paper

Fernández-Dols, J.M. & Crivelli, C. (2013). Emotion and expression: Naturalistic studies. Emotion Review, 5, 24-29. Ask for the paper

Fernández, I.; Igartua, J.J.; Moral, F.; Palacios, E.; Acosta, T. y Muñoz, D. (2013). Language Une Depending on News Frame and Immigrant Origin. International Journal of Psychology. 48(5), 772-784. Ask for the paper.

López-Pérez, B.; Ambrona, T.; Gregory, J.; Stocks, E.; & Oceja, L. (2013). Feeling at hospitals: Perspective-taking, empathy and personal distress among professional nurses and nursing students. Nurse Education Today. Ask for the paper.

Oceja, L.; & Salgado, S. (2013). Why do we help? World change orientation as an antecedent of prosocial action. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 127-133. Ask for the paper.

Carrera, P.; Oceja, L.; Caballero, A.; Muñoz, D.; Lopez-Pérez, B. y Ambrona, T. (2012). I Feel Sorry for You: Tapping the Joint Influence of Empathy and Personal Distress on Helping Behavior. Motivation and Emotion. Published on line first: 15 may 2012. Ask for the paper.

Carrera, P., Muñoz, D., Caballero, A., Fernández, I. y Albarracín, D (2012). The present projects past behavior into the future while the past projects attitudes into the future: How verb tense moderates predictors of drinking intentions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 48, 1196-1200. Ask for the paper.

Carrera, P., Caballero, A. y Muñoz, D. (2012) Future-oriented emotions in the prediction of binge-drinking intention and expectation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 53, 273-279. Ask for the paper.

Fernández, I.; Igartua, J.J.; Moral, F.; Palacios, E.; Acosta, T. y Muñoz, D. (en prensa). Language Une Depending on News Frame and Immigrant Origin. International Journal of Psychology. Ask for the paper.

Alonso-Arbiol, I., van de Vijver, F.J.R., Fernández, I., Páez, D., Campos, M. & Carrera, P. (2011). Implicit theories about interrelations of anger components in 25 countries. Emotion. Ask for the paper

Fernández-Dols, J.M., Carrera, P. & Crivelli, C. (2011). Facial behavior while experiencing sexual excitement. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. Ask for the paper

Fernández-Dols, J.M. & Carrera, P. (2011). Le Bon Dieu est dans le Detail: Is smiling the recognition of happiness? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Ask for the paper

Carrera, P., Caballero, A. y Muñoz, D. y Oceja, L. (2011). Anticipated emotions and personal experience for predicting behavioral intentions (BI) and behavioral expectations (BE) The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 14 (2), 535-547. Ask for the paper
Carrera, P., Caballero, A. & Muñoz, D. (2010). Mixed emotional appeals in emotional and danger control processes. Health Communication.  Ask for the paper

Hurtado de Mendoza, A., Fernández-Dols, J.M., Parrott, W.G.., & Carrera, P. (2010). Emotion terms, category structure, and the problem of translation: The case of shame and vergüenza. Cognition and Emotion, 24, 661-680. Ask for the paper

Fernández-Dols, J.M., Aguilar, P., Campo, S., Vallacher, R., Janowsky, A., Rabbia, H., Brussino, S., &  Lerner, M.J. (2010). Hypocrites or maligned cooperative participants? Experimenter induced normative conflict in zero-sum situations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 525-530. Ask for the paper

Oceja, L., Ambrona, T., López-Pérez, B., Salgado, S. & Villegas, M.S. (2010). When the victim is one among others: empathy, awareness of others and motivational ambivalence. Motivation and Emotion, 34,  110-119. Ask for the paper

Oceja, L.V.; Stocks, E.; Lishner, D. (2010). Congruence between the target in need and recipient of aid: The one among-others effect.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 11 Ask for the paper
Caballero, A., Toro, I., Sánchez, F. & Carrera, P. (2009). Las emociones y el género en la conducta sexual de riesgo en adolescentes. Revista de Psicología Social, 24 (3), 349-361. Ask for the paper

Oceja, L. & Carrera, P. (2009). Beyond a single pattern of mixed emotional experience: sequential, prevalent, inverse and genuine simultaneous. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 1, 58-67. Ask for the paper

Oceja, L. & Berenguer, J. (2009). Putting text in context: the conflict beween pro-ecological messages and anti-ecological descriptive norms. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 12 (2), 657-666. Ask for the paper
Fernández, I., Carrera, P., Páez, D. & Sánchez, F. (2008). Interdependent self-construal, competitive attitudes, culture and emotional reactions on sadness. Psychologia, 51, 215-235. Ask for the paper

Fernández-Dols, J.M., Carrera, P., Barchard, K. & Gacitua, M. (2008). False Recognition of Facial Expressions of Emotion: Causes and Implications.  Emotion, 8 (4), 530-539. Ask for the paper

Lishner, D.A., Oceja, L. V., Stocks, E.L . & Zaspel, K. (2008). The Effect of Infant-Like Characteristics on Empathic Concern for Adults in Need. Motivation and Emotion, 32, 270-277. Ask for the paper

Oceja, L.V. (2008). Overcoming Empathy-induced Partiality: Two Rules of Thumb. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30, 176-182. Ask for the paper
Caballero, A., Carrera, P., Muñoz, D. & Sánchez, F. (2007). Emotional ambivalence in risk behaviors: the case of occasional excessive use of alcohol. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 10, 151-158. Ask for the paper

Carrera, P. & Oceja, L.V. (2007). “Drawing mixed emotions: Sequential or simultaneous experiences?” Cognition & Emotion, 21 (2), 422-441. Ask for the paper

Carrera, P., Caballero, A. & Muñoz, D. (2007). Comparing the Effects of Negative and Mixed Emotional Messages on Predicted Occasional Excessive Drinking. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment,l 1, pp. 1-7. Ask for the paper

Fernández Dols, J.M., Carrera, P., Hurtado de Mendoza, A. & Oceja, L. (2007). Emotional climate as emotion accessibility: how countries prime emotions. Journal of Social Issues, 63 (2), 339-352. Ask for the paper

Oceja, L., & Jiménez, I. (2007). Beyond egoism and group identity: Empathy toward the other and awareness of others in a social dilemma. The Spanish Journal of Social Psychology, 10, 369-379. Ask for the paper